- ジャンル
- 1Purcell: Arise, My Muse, Z. 320: I. Symphony 136円
- 2Purcell: Arise, My Muse, Z. 320: II. Arise, My Muse 136円
- 3Purcell: Arise, My Muse, Z. 320: III. Ye Sons of Music Raise Your Voices High 136円
- 4Purcell: Arise, My Muse, Z. 320: IV. Then Sound Your Instruments and Charm the Earth 136円
- 5Purcell: Arise, My Muse, Z. 320: V. See How the Glitt'ring Ruler of the Day 261円
- 6Purcell: Arise, My Muse, Z. 320: VI. Hail, Gracious Gloriana 261円
- 7Purcell: Arise, My Muse, Z. 320: VII. And Since the Time's Distress to Wars' Alarms 136円
- 8Purcell: Arise, My Muse, Z. 320: VIII. To Quell His Country's Foes 136円
- 9Purcell: Arise, My Muse, Z. 320: IX. But Ah, I See Eusebia Drown'd in Tears 261円
- 10Purcell: Arise, My Muse, Z. 320: X. But Glory Cries "Go On" 261円
- 11Purcell: Welcome to All the Pleasures, Z. 339: I. Symphony 136円
- 12Purcell: Welcome to All the Pleasures, Z. 339: II. Welcome to All the Pleasures That Delight 261円
- 13Purcell: Welcome to All the Pleasures, Z. 339: III. Here the Deities Approve 261円
- 14Purcell: Welcome to All the Pleasures, Z. 339: IV. While Joys Celestial Their Bright Souls Invade 136円
- 15Purcell: Welcome to All the Pleasures, Z. 339: V. Then Lift Up Your Voices, Those Organs of Nature 136円
- 16Purcell: Welcome to All the Pleasures, Z. 339: VI. Beauty, Thou Scene of Love 261円
- 17Purcell: Welcome to All the Pleasures, Z. 339: VII. In a Consort of Voices While Instruments Play 136円
- 18Now Does the Glorious Day Appear, Z. 332: I. Symphony 261円
- 19Now Does the Glorious Day Appear, Z. 332: II. Now Does the Glorious Day Appear 136円
- 20Now Does the Glorious Day Appear, Z. 332: III. Not Any One Such Joy Could Bring 136円
- 21Now Does the Glorious Day Appear, Z. 332: IV. This Does Our Fertile Isle with Glory Crown 261円
- 22Now Does the Glorious Day Appear, Z. 332: V. Now Does the Glorious Day Appear 136円
- 23Now Does the Glorious Day Appear, Z. 332: VI. It Was a Work of Full as Great a Weight 136円
- 24Now Does the Glorious Day Appear, Z. 332: VII. By Beauteous Softness Mixed with Majesty 261円
- 25Now Does the Glorious Day Appear, Z. 332: VIII. Her Hero to Whose Conduct and Whose Arms 136円
- 26Now Does the Glorious Day Appear, Z. 332: IX. Our Dear Religion, with Our Law's Defence 136円
- 27Now Does the Glorious Day Appear, Z. 332: X. No More Shall We the Great Eliza Boast 261円
- 28Now Does the Glorious Day Appear, Z. 332: XI. Now, Now, with One United Voice 136円
- 29Purcell: Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode for St Cecilia's Day": I. Symphony 261円
- 30Purcell: Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode for St Cecilia's Day": II. Recit & Chorus. Hail! Bright Cecilia, Hail! 261円
- 31Purcell: Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode for St Cecilia's Day": III. Duet. Hark, Each Tree Its Silence Breaks 261円
- 32Purcell: Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode for St Cecilia's Day": IV. Air. 'Tis Nature's Voice; Thro' All the Moving Wood 261円
- 33Purcell: Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode for St Cecilia's Day": V. Chorus. Soul of the World! 261円
- 34Purcell: Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode for St Cecilia's Day": VI. Air & Chorus. Thou Tun'st This World below, the Spheres Above 261円
- 35Purcell: Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode for St Cecilia's Day": VII. Trio. With That Sublime Celestial Lay 261円
- 36Purcell: Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode for St Cecilia's Day": VIII. Air. Wond'rous Machine! 261円
- 37Purcell: Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode for St Cecilia's Day": IX. Air. The Airy Violin 136円
- 38Purcell: Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode for St Cecilia's Day": X. Duet. In Vain the Am'rous Flute and Soft Guitar 261円
- 39Purcell: Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode for St Cecilia's Day": XI. Air. The Fife and All the Harmony of War 261円
- 40Purcell: Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode for St Cecilia's Day": XII. Duet. Let These Amongst Themselves Contest 261円
- 41Purcell: Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode for St Cecilia's Day": XIII. Chorus. Hail! Bright Cecilia, Hail to Thee! 261円
- 42Purcell: Who Can from Joy Refrain?, Z. 342: I. Overture 261円
- 43Purcell: Who Can from Joy Refrain?, Z. 342: II. Who Can from Joy Refrain? 261円
- 44Purcell: Who Can from Joy Refrain?, Z. 342: III. A Prince of Glorious Race Descended 261円
- 45Purcell: Who Can from Joy Refrain?, Z. 342: IV. The Father Brave as E'er Was Dane 136円
- 46Purcell: Who Can from Joy Refrain?, Z. 342: V. The Graces in His Mother Shine 261円
- 47Purcell: Who Can from Joy Refrain?, Z. 342: VI. Sound the Trumpet and Beat the Warlike Drum 261円
- 48Purcell: Who Can from Joy Refrain?, Z. 342: VII. If Now He Burns with Noble Flame 261円
- 49Purcell: Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z. 324: I. Symphony 136円
- 50Purcell: Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z. 324: II. Fly, Bold Rebellion, Make Haste and Be Gone! 261円
- 51Purcell: Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z. 324: III. Rivers from Their Channels Turned 261円
- 52Purcell: Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z. 324: IV. If Then We've Found the Want of His Rays 261円
- 53Purcell: Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z. 324: V. But Heaven Has Now Dispelled Those Fears 136円
- 54Purcell: Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z. 324: VI. Come Then, Change Your Notes, Disloyal Crowd 136円
- 55Purcell: Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z. 324: VII. Be Welcome Then, Great Sir, to Constant Vows 261円
- 56Purcell: Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z. 324: VIII. Welcome to All Those Wishes Fulfilled 136円
- 57Purcell: Sound the Trumpet, Beat the Drum, Z. 335: I. Symphony 261円
- 58Purcell: Sound the Trumpet, Beat the Drum, Z. 335: II. Sound the Trumpet, Beat the Drum 136円
- 59Purcell: Sound the Trumpet, Beat the Drum, Z. 335: III. Crown the Year and Crown the Day 261円
- 60Purcell: Sound the Trumpet, Beat the Drum, Z. 335: IV. Let Caesar and Urania Live 261円
- 61Purcell: Sound the Trumpet, Beat the Drum, Z. 335: V. What Greater Bliss Can Fate Bestow 261円
- 62Purcell: Sound the Trumpet, Beat the Drum, Z. 335: VI. Chaconne 261円
- 63Purcell: Sound the Trumpet, Beat the Drum, Z. 335: VII. While Caesar Like the Morning Star 261円
- 64Purcell: Sound the Trumpet, Beat the Drum, Z. 335: VIII. To Urania and Caesar Delights Without Measure 261円
- 65Purcell: Celebrate This Festival, Z. 321: I. Symphony 136円
- 66Purcell: Celebrate This Festival, Z. 321: II. Celebrate This Festival 136円
- 67Purcell: Celebrate This Festival, Z. 321: III. Britain Now Thy Cares Beguile 261円
- 68Purcell: Celebrate This Festival, Z. 321: IV. 'Tis Sacred, Bid the Trumpet Cease 136円
- 69Purcell: Celebrate This Festival, Z. 321: V. Let Sullen Discord Smile 261円
- 70Purcell: Celebrate This Festival, Z. 321: VI. Crown the Altar, Deck the Shrine 261円
- 71Purcell: Celebrate This Festival, Z. 321: VII. Expected Spring at Last Is Come 136円
- 72Purcell: Celebrate This Festival, Z. 321: VIII. April, Who Till Now Has Mourned 261円
- 73Purcell: Celebrate This Festival, Z. 321: IX. Departing Thus You'll Hear Him Say 136円
- 74Purcell: Celebrate This Festival, Z. 321: X. Happy Realm Beyond Expressing 261円
- 75Purcell: Celebrate This Festival, Z. 321: XI. While, for a Righteous Cause He Arms 261円
- 76Purcell: Celebrate This Festival, Z. 321: XII. Return, Fond Muse, the Thoughts of War 261円
- 77Purcell: Celebrate This Festival, Z. 321: XIII. Kindly Treat Maria's Day 261円
- 78Purcell: Ye Tuneful Muses, Z. 344: I. Symphony 261円
- 79Purcell: Ye Tuneful Muses, Z. 344: II. Ye Tuneful Muses, Raise Your Heads 261円
- 80Purcell: Ye Tuneful Muses, Z. 344: III. Be Lively Then and Gay 261円
- 81Purcell: Ye Tuneful Muses, Z. 344: IV. In His Just Praise Your Noblest Songs Let Fall 261円
- 82Purcell: Ye Tuneful Muses, Z. 344: V. From the Rattling of Drums and the Trumpet's Loud Sounds 261円
- 83Purcell: Ye Tuneful Muses, Z. 344: VI. To Music's Softer but Yet Kind 136円
- 84Purcell: Ye Tuneful Muses, Z. 344: VII. With Him He Brings the Partner of His Throne 261円
- 85Purcell: Ye Tuneful Muses, Z. 344: VIII. Happy in a Mutual Love 136円
- 86Purcell: Ye Tuneful Muses, Z. 344: IX. Whilst in Music and Verse Our Duty We Show 136円
- 87Purcell: Celestial Music Did the Gods Inspire, Z. 322: I. Symphony 261円
- 88Purcell: Celestial Music Did the Gods Inspire, Z. 322: II. Celestial Music Did the Gods Inspire 261円
- 89Purcell: Celestial Music Did the Gods Inspire, Z. 322: III. Her Charming Strains Expel Tormenting Care 261円
- 90Purcell: Celestial Music Did the Gods Inspire, Z. 322: IV. Thus Virgil's Genius Lov'd the Country Best 261円
- 91Purcell: Celestial Music Did the Gods Inspire, Z. 322: V. Whilst Music Did Improve Amphion's Song 261円
- 92Purcell: Celestial Music Did the Gods Inspire, Z. 322: VI. When Orpheus Sang All Nature Did Rejoice 261円
- 93Purcell: Celestial Music Did the Gods Inspire, Z. 322: VII. Let Phyllis by Her Voice But Charm the Air 261円
- 94Purcell: From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War, Z. 325: I. Symphony 261円
- 95Purcell: From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War, Z. 325: II. From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War 261円
- 96Purcell: From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War, Z. 325: III. As Fame, Great Sir, Before You Ran 261円
- 97Purcell: From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War, Z. 325: IV. Wake Then, My Muse, Wake Instruments and Voice 136円
- 98Purcell: From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War, Z. 325: V. The Sparrow and the Gentle Dove 261円
- 99Purcell: From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War, Z. 325: VI. So All the Boons Indulgent Heav'n Design'd 136円
- 100Purcell: From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War, Z. 325: VII. Hence Without Scheme or Figure to Descry 136円
- 101Purcell: Welcome, Welcome, Glorious Morn, Z. 338: I. Symphony 261円
- 102Purcell: Welcome, Welcome, Glorious Morn, Z. 338: II. Welcome, Welcome, Glorious Morn 136円
- 103Purcell: Welcome, Welcome, Glorious Morn, Z. 338: III. At Thy Return the Joyful Earth 261円
- 104Purcell: Welcome, Welcome, Glorious Morn, Z. 338: IV. Welcome as When Three Happy Kingdoms Strove 261円
- 105Purcell: Welcome, Welcome, Glorious Morn, Z. 338: V. The Mighty Goddess of This Wealthy Isle 136円
- 106Purcell: Welcome, Welcome, Glorious Morn, Z. 338: VI. Full of Wonder and Delight 136円
- 107Purcell: Welcome, Welcome, Glorious Morn, Z. 338: VII. And Lo! a Sacred Fury Swell'd Her Breast 261円
- 108Purcell: Welcome, Welcome, Glorious Morn, Z. 338: VIII. My Pray'rs Are Heard, Heav'n Has at Last Bestow'd 261円
- 109Purcell: Welcome, Welcome, Glorious Morn, Z. 338: IX. He to the Field by Honour Call'd Shall Go 136円
- 110Purcell: Welcome, Welcome, Glorious Morn, Z. 338: X. Whilst Undisturb'd His Happy Consort Reigns 136円
- 111Purcell: Welcome, Welcome, Glorious Morn, Z. 338: XI. Sound, All Ye Spheres; Confirm the Omen, Heav'n 261円
- 112Purcell: Great Parent, Hail to Thee!, Z. 327: I. Symphony 261円
- 113Purcell: Great Parent, Hail to Thee!, Z. 327: II. Great Parent, Hail to Thee! 261円
- 114Purcell: Great Parent, Hail to Thee!, Z. 327: III. Another Century Commencing 261円
- 115Purcell: Great Parent, Hail to Thee!, Z. 327: IV. After War's Alarms Repeated 261円
- 116Purcell: Great Parent, Hail to Thee!, Z. 327: V. Awful Matron Take Thy Seat 261円
- 117Purcell: Great Parent, Hail to Thee!, Z. 327: VI. She Was the First Who Did Inspire 136円
- 118Purcell: Great Parent, Hail to Thee!, Z. 327: VII. Succeeding Princes Next Recite 136円
- 119Purcell: Great Parent, Hail to Thee!, Z. 327: VIII. But Chiefly Recommend to Fame 136円
- 120Purcell: Great Parent, Hail to Thee!, Z. 327: IX. Thy Royal Patron Sung: Repair 261円
- 121Purcell: Great Parent, Hail to Thee!, Z. 327: X. With Themes Like These, Ye Sons of Art 136円
- 122Purcell: The Summer's Absence Unconcerned We Bear, Z. 337: I. Symphony 261円
- 123Purcell: The Summer's Absence Unconcerned We Bear, Z. 337: II. The Summer's Absence Unconcerned We Bear 261円
- 124Purcell: The Summer's Absence Unconcerned We Bear, Z. 337: III. And When Late from Your Throne Heaven's Call You Attend 261円
- 125Purcell: The Summer's Absence Unconcerned We Bear, Z. 337: IV. Ah! Had We, Sir, the Power or Art 261円
- 126Purcell: The Summer's Absence Unconcerned We Bear, Z. 337: V. Happy While All Her Neighbours Bled 136円
- 127Purcell: The Summer's Absence Unconcerned We Bear, Z. 337: VI. So Happily Still You Your Counsels Employ 136円
- 128Purcell: The Summer's Absence Unconcerned We Bear, Z. 337: VII. These Had by Their Ill Usage Drove 261円
- 129Purcell: The Summer's Absence Unconcerned We Bear, Z. 337: VIII. But Those No More Shall Dare Repine 261円
- 130Purcell: Love's Goddess Sure Was Blind, Z. 331: I. Symphony 261円
- 131Purcell: Love's Goddess Sure Was Blind, Z. 331: II. Love's Goddess Sure Was Blind This Day 261円
- 132Purcell: Love's Goddess Sure Was Blind, Z. 331: III. Those Eyes, That Form, That Lofty Mien 136円
- 133Purcell: Love's Goddess Sure Was Blind, Z. 331: IV. Sweetness of Nature and True Wit 261円
- 134Purcell: Love's Goddess Sure Was Blind, Z. 331: V. Long May She Reign over This Isle 261円
- 135Purcell: Love's Goddess Sure Was Blind, Z. 331: VI. May Her Blest Example Chase 136円
- 136Purcell: Love's Goddess Sure Was Blind, Z. 331: VII. Many Such Days May She Behold 261円
- 137Purcell: Love's Goddess Sure Was Blind, Z. 331: VIII. May She to Heaven Late Return 261円
- 138Purcell: Raise, Raise the Voice, Z. 334: I. Symphony 261円
- 139Purcell: Raise, Raise the Voice, Z. 334: II. Raise, Raise the Voice, All Instruments Obey 261円
- 140Purcell: Raise, Raise the Voice, Z. 334: III. The God Himself Says He'll Be Present Here 261円
- 141Purcell: Raise, Raise the Voice, Z. 334: IV. Mark How Readily Each Pliant String 261円
- 142Purcell: Laudate Ceciliam, Z. 329: I. Symphony ‐ Laudate Ceciliam, in voce et organo 261円
- 143Purcell: Laudate Ceciliam, Z. 329: II. Modulemini psalmum novum 261円
- 144Purcell: Laudate Ceciliam, Z. 329: III. Symphony 136円
- 145Purcell: Laudate Ceciliam, Z. 329: IV. Dicite Virgini, canite martyri 261円
- 146Purcell: From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z. 326: I. Symphony 261円
- 147Purcell: From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z. 326: II. From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys 261円
- 148Purcell: From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z. 326: III. Behold th' Indulgent Prince Is Come 261円
- 149Purcell: From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z. 326: IV. Not with an Helmet or a Glitt'ring Spear 261円
- 150Purcell: From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z. 326: V. Welcome as Soft Refreshing Show'rs 261円
- 151Purcell: From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z. 326: VI. Welcome, More Welcome Does He Come 261円
- 152Purcell: From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z. 326: VII. Nor Does the Sun More Comfort Bring 136円
- 153Purcell: From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z. 326: VIII. With Trumpets and Shouts We Receive the World's Wonder 261円
- 154Purcell: Of Old, When Heroes Thought It Base, Z. 333: I. Symphony 261円
- 155Purcell: Of Old, When Heroes Thought It Base, Z. 333: II. Of Old, When Heroes Thought It Base 261円
- 156Purcell: Of Old, When Heroes Thought It Base, Z. 333: III. The Bashful Thames, for Beauty So Renown'd 261円
- 157Purcell: Of Old, When Heroes Thought It Base, Z. 333: IV. The Pale and the Purple Rose 261円
- 158Purcell: Of Old, When Heroes Thought It Base, Z. 333: V. And in Each Track of Glory Since 261円
- 159Purcell: Of Old, When Heroes Thought It Base, Z. 333: VI. Symphony 261円
- 160Purcell: Of Old, When Heroes Thought It Base, Z. 333: VII. And Now When the Renown'd Nassau 136円
- 161Purcell: Of Old, When Heroes Thought It Base, Z. 333: VIII. They Did No Storms, Nor Threat'nings Fear 261円
- 162Purcell: Of Old, When Heroes Thought It Base, Z. 333: IX. So When the Glitt'ring Queen of Night 261円
- 163Purcell: Of Old, When Heroes Thought It Base, Z. 333: X. Let Music Join 136円
- 164Purcell: Of Old, When Heroes Thought It Base, Z. 333: XI. Sound Trumpets, Sound! Beat Ev'ry Drum 261円
- 165Purcell: Of Old, When Heroes Thought It Base, Z. 333: XII. Sound All to Him 261円
- 166Purcell: Swifter, Isis, Swifter Flow, Z. 336: I. Symphony ‐ Swifter, Isis, Swifter Flow 261円
- 167Purcell: Swifter, Isis, Swifter Flow, Z. 336: II. Land Him Safely on Her Shore 136円
- 168Purcell: Swifter, Isis, Swifter Flow, Z. 336: III. Hark, Hark! Just Now My Listening Ears 136円
- 169Purcell: Swifter, Isis, Swifter Flow, Z. 336: IV. Welcome, Dread Sir, to Town 136円
- 170Purcell: Swifter, Isis, Swifter Flow, Z. 336: V. But with as Great Devotion Meet 261円
- 171Purcell: Swifter, Isis, Swifter Flow, Z. 336: VI. The King Whose Presence Like the Spring 136円
- 172Purcell: Swifter, Isis, Swifter Flow, Z. 336: VII. Then Since, Sir, from You All Our Blessings Do Flow 261円
- 173Purcell: What Shall Be Done in Behalf of the Man?, Z. 341: I. Symphony 261円
- 174Purcell: What Shall Be Done in Behalf of the Man?, Z. 341: II. What Shall Be Done in Behalf of the Man? 261円
- 175Purcell: What Shall Be Done in Behalf of the Man?, Z. 341: III. All the Grandeur He Possesses 261円
- 176Purcell: What Shall Be Done in Behalf of the Man?, Z. 341: IV. Mighty Charles, Though Joined with Thee 261円
- 177Purcell: What Shall Be Done in Behalf of the Man?, Z. 341: V. May All Factious Troubles Cease 261円
- 178Purcell: Come Ye Sons of Art, Away, Z. 323: I. Symphony 261円
- 179Purcell: Come Ye Sons of Art, Away, Z. 323: II. Come Ye Sons of Art, Away 136円
- 180Purcell: Come Ye Sons of Art, Away, Z. 323: III. Sound the Trumpet 261円
- 181Purcell: Come Ye Sons of Art, Away, Z. 323: IV. Strike the Viol, Touch the Lute 261円
- 182Purcell: Come Ye Sons of Art, Away, Z. 323: V. The Day That Such a Blessing Gave 261円
- 183Purcell: Come Ye Sons of Art, Away, Z. 323: VI. Bid the Virtues, Bid the Graces 261円
- 184Purcell: Come Ye Sons of Art, Away, Z. 323: VII. These Are the Sacred Charms That Shield 136円
- 185Purcell: Come Ye Sons of Art, Away, Z. 323: VIII. See Nature, Rejoicing, Has Shown Us the Way 261円
- 186Purcell: Welcome, Vicegerent of the Mighty King, Z. 340: I. Symphony ‐ Welcome, Vicegerent of the Mighty King 261円
- 187Purcell: Welcome, Vicegerent of the Mighty King, Z. 340: II. Ah! Mighty Sir, If You to Such Long Absence Are Inclined 136円
- 188Purcell: Welcome, Vicegerent of the Mighty King, Z. 340: III. But Your Blest Presence Now 261円
- 189Purcell: Welcome, Vicegerent of the Mighty King, Z. 340: IV. Your Influous Approach Our Pensive Hope Recalls 136円
- 190Purcell: Welcome, Vicegerent of the Mighty King, Z. 340: V. When the Summer, in His Glory 136円
- 191Purcell: Welcome, Vicegerent of the Mighty King, Z. 340: VI. All Loyalty and Honour Be 136円
- 192Purcell: Welcome, Vicegerent of the Mighty King, Z. 340: VII. Music the Food of Love 261円
- 193Purcell: Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute?, Z. 343: I. Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute? 261円
- 194Purcell: Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute?, Z. 343: II. When Should Each Soul Exalted Be? 261円
- 195Purcell: Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute?, Z. 343: III. Britain, Thou Now Art Great, Art Great Indeed! 261円
- 196Purcell: Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute?, Z. 343: IV. Look Up, and to Our Isle Returning See 261円
- 197Purcell: Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute?, Z. 343: V. Accurs'd Rebellion Reared His Head 261円
- 198Purcell: Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute?, Z. 343: VI. Caesar for Milder Virtues Honour'd More 261円
- 199Purcell: Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute?, Z. 343: VII. The Many-Headed Beast Is Quelled at Home 261円
- 200Purcell: Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute?, Z. 343: VIII. In the Equal Balance Laid 136円
- 201Purcell: Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute?, Z. 343: IX. O How Blest Is the Isle to Which Caesar Is Given 261円