In Praise of Woman: 150 Years of English Female Composers
アンソニー・ロルフ・ジョンソン/グラハム・ジョンソン 1,934円
- ジャンル
- 1L.H. of Liverpool: My Mother 261円
- 2Juanita 261円
- 3Gabriel: Orpheus 261円
- 4A.F. Harrison: In the Gloaming 261円
- 5M.V. White: The Throstle 261円
- 6M.V. White: My Soul Is an Enchanted Boat 261円
- 7M.V. White: The Devout Lover 261円
- 8M.V. White: So We'll Go No More a-Roving 261円
- 9Riego: Slave Song 261円
- 10Lehmann: A Widow Bird Sate Mourning 136円
- 11Lehmann: Ah, Moon of My Delight 261円
- 12Lehmann: The Lily of a Day 261円
- 13Lehmann: Thoughts Have Wings 261円
- 14Lehmann: Henry King, Who Chewed Little Bits of String, and Was Early Cut Off in Dreadful Agonies 261円
- 15Lehmann: Charles Augustus Fortescue. Who Always Did What Was Right, and So Accumulated an Immense Fortune 261円
- 16Woodforde-Finden: 4 Indian Love Lyrics: II. Till I Wake 261円
- 17Woodforde-Finden: 4 Indian Love Lyrics: III. Kashmiri Song 261円
- 18Smyth: Possession 261円
- 19R. Clarke: The Aspidistra 136円
- 20R. Clarke: Shy One 136円
- 21Poston: In Praise of Woman 136円
- 22Lutyens: As I Walked Out One Evening 261円
- 23Maconchy: Have You Seen But a Bright Lily Grow? 136円
- 24Maconchy: Meditation for His Mistress 261円
- 25Dring: Crabbed Age and Youth 136円
- 26Dring: To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time 136円
- 27P. Tate: Epitaph 261円