- ジャンル
- 1Purcell: Draw Near, You Lovers, Z. 462 261円
- 2Purcell: While Thirsis, Wrapp'd in Downy Sleep, Z. 437 261円
- 3Purcell: Love, Thou Can'st Hear, Tho' Thou Art Blind, Z. 396 261円
- 4Purcell: I Loved Fair Celia, Z. 381 136円
- 5Purcell: What Hope for Us Remains Now He Is Gone?, Z. 472 261円
- 6Purcell: Pastora's Beauties When Unblown, Z. 407 261円
- 7Purcell: A Thousand Sev'ral Ways I Tried, Z. 359 136円
- 8Purcell: Urge Me No More, Z. 426 261円
- 9Purcell: Farewell, All Joys, Z. 368 136円
- 10Purcell: If Music Be the Food of Love, Z. 379a 136円
- 11Purcell: Amidst the Shades and Cool Refreshing Streams, Z. 355 261円
- 12Purcell: They Say You're Angry, Z. 422 261円
- 13Purcell: Let Each Gallant Heart, Z. 390 136円
- 14Purcell: This Poet Sings the Trojan Wars "Anacreon's Defeat", Z. 423 261円
- 15Purcell: Ah, How Pleasant 'Tis to Love, Z. 353 136円
- 16Purcell: My Heart, Whenever You Appear, Z. 399 136円
- 17Purcell: On the Brow of Richmond Hill, Z. 405 136円
- 18Purcell: Rashly I Swore I Would Disown, Z. 411 136円
- 19Purcell: Since the Pox, or the Plague, Z. 471 136円
- 20Purcell: Beneath a Dark and Melancholy Grove, Z. 461 261円
- 21Purcell: Musing On Cares of Human Fate, Z. 467 261円
- 22Purcell: Whilst Cynthia Sung, All Angry Winds Lay Still, Z. 438 136円
- 23Purcell: How I Sigh When I Think of the Charms of My Swain, Z. 374 136円
- 24Purcell: Ye Happy Swains, Whose Nymphs Are Kind, Z. 443 136円
- 25Purcell: Beware, Poor Shepherds "The Caution", Z. 361 136円
- 26Purcell: See How the Fading Glories of the Year, Z. 470 261円
- 27Purcell: Cease, Anxious World, Your Fruitless Pain, Z. 362 261円
- 28Purcell: Oh, Fair Cedaria, Hide Those Eyes, Z. 402 261円
- 29Purcell: I Love and I Must "Bell Barr", Z. 382 261円
- 30Purcell: When Her Languishing Eyes Said "Love!", Z. 432 136円
- 31Purcell: Not All My Torments Can Your Pity Move, Z. 400 261円
- 32Purcell: Ah! Cruel Nymph!, Z. 352 261円
- 33Purcell: Sylvia, Now Your Scorn Give Over, Z. 420 136円
- 34Purcell: Since One Poor View Has Drawn My Heart, Z. 416 136円
- 35Purcell: I Resolve Against Cringing and Whining, Z. 386 136円
- 36Purcell: Gentle Shepherds, You That Know "Pastoral Elegy On the Death of Mr John Playford", Z. 464 261円
- 37Purcell: If Grief Has Any Pow'r to Kill, Z. 378 136円
- 38Purcell: She That Would Gain a Faithful Lover, Z. 414 261円
- 39Purcell: Fly Swift, Ye Hours, Z. 369 261円
- 40Purcell: Hears Not My Phillis How the Birds "The Knotting Song", Z. 371 261円
- 41Purcell: Phillis, Talk No More of Passion, Z. 409 261円
- 42Purcell: Celia's Fond, Too Long I've Lov'd Her, Z. 364 136円
- 43Purcell: In Vain We Dissemble, Z. 385 261円
- 44Purcell: When My Aemelia Smiles, Z. 434 261円
- 45Purcell: Farewell, Ye Rocks, Ye Seas and Sands, Z. 463 261円
- 46Purcell: What a Sad Fate Is Mine, Z. 428a 261円
- 47Purcell: I Take No Pleasure in the Sun's Bright Beams, Z. 388 136円
- 48Purcell: Love's Pow'r in My Heart Shall Find No Compliance, Z. 395 136円
- 49Purcell: How Delightful's the Life of an Innocent Swain, Z. 373 261円
- 50Purcell: She, Who My Poor Heart Possesses, Z. 415 136円
- 51Purcell: Love Arms Himself in Celia's Eyes, Z. 392 261円
- 52Purcell: When First My Shepherdess and I, Z. 431 136円
- 53Purcell: Through Mournful Shades and Solitary Groves, Z. 424 261円
- 54Purcell: If Music Be the Food of Love, Z. 379b 136円
- 55Purcell: Scarce Had the Rising Sun Appear'd, Z. 469 136円
- 56Purcell: Who But a Slave Can Well Express, Z. 440 261円
- 57Purcell: High On a Throne of Glitt'ring Ore, Z. '65 261円
- 58Purcell: Incassum Lesbia, incassum rogas "The Queen's Epicedium", Z. 383 261円
- 59Purcell: She Loves and She Confesses Too, Z. 413 261円
- 60Purcell: Amintas, to My Grief I See, Z. 356 136円
- 61Purcell: Corinna Is Divinely Fair, Z. 365 136円
- 62Purcell: Amintor, Heedless of His Flocks, Z. 357 261円
- 63Purcell: He Himself Courts His Own Ruin, Z. 372 136円
- 64Purcell: No, to What Purpose Should I Speak?, Z. 468 261円
- 65Purcell: Sylvia, 'Tis True You're Fair, Z. 512 136円
- 66Purcell: Lovely Albina's Come AShore, Z. 394 261円
- 67Purcell: Spite of the Godhead, Pow'rful Love, Z. 417 136円
- 68Purcell: If Music Be the Food of Love, Z. 379c 261円
- 69Purcell: Phillis, I Can Ne'er Forgive It, Z. 408 136円
- 70Purcell: Bacchus Is a Pow'r Divine, Z. 360 261円
- 71Purcell: From Silent Shades "Bess of Bedlam", Z. 370 261円
- 72Purcell: Let Formal Lovers Still Pursue, Z. 391 136円
- 73Purcell: I Came, I Saw, and Was Undone "The Thraldom", Z. 375 261円
- 74Purcell: Who Can Behold Florella's Charms?, Z. 441 261円
- 75Purcell: Cupid, the Slyest Rogue Alive, Z. 367 261円
- 76Purcell: If Pray'rs and Tears, Z. 380 261円
- 77Purcell: In Cloris All Soft Charms Agree, Z. 384 261円
- 78Purcell: Let Us, Kind Lesbia, Give Away, Z. 466 136円
- 79Purcell: Love Is Now Become a Trade, Z. 393 136円
- 80Purcell: Ask Me to Love No More, Z. 358 136円
- 81Purcell: O Solitude, My Sweetest Choice!, Z. 406 261円
- 82Purcell: Olinda in the Shades Unseen, Z. 404 136円
- 83Purcell: Pious Celinda Goes to Prayers, Z. 410 136円
- 84Purcell: When Strephon Found His Passion Vain, Z. 435 136円
- 85Purcell: The Fatal Hour Comes On Apace, Z. 421 261円
- 86Purcell: Sawney Is a Bonny Lad, Z. 412 136円
- 87Purcell: Young Thirsis' Fate, Z. 473 261円