- 1Glorious 261円
- 2Born to Cry 261円
- 3Come Out 261円
- 4Under Your Wing 261円
- 5Lights 261円
- 6Tantalise Me 261円
- 7Moonbathe Skin 261円
- 8Dancer 261円
- 9When It's Your Time 261円
- 10End In Tears 261円
- 11Love in a Time of Science 261円
- 12Glorious (Reprise) 261円
- 13The Beautiful Light of Madness (Original Demo) 261円
- 14The Guilt of My Secret 261円
- 15Passion and Pain 261円
- 16Our Love, My Love 261円
- 17I'm the Boy (Boy Toy) 261円
- 18Ame Caline 261円
- 19Suburban Opera (Original Demo) 261円
- 20Fur 261円
- 21Fur (Replayed by Johann Johannson) 261円
- 22Fur 261円
- 23Fur (Divider Remix) 261円
- 24Moonbathe Skin (Demo) 261円
- 25Under Your Wind (Original Demo) 261円
- 26Smoke (Original Demo) 261円
- 27Give In (Original Demo) 261円
- 28Dark Is My World (Without Love) [Demo Version] 261円
- 29The Exhibitionist (Original 2000 Version) 261円
- 30I Created Me (Live at Union Chapel) 261円