- ジャンル
Archiv Produktion
- 1Purcell: "Lord, what is man, lost man?", Z.192 209円
- 2Purcell: "O Solitude", Z.406 209円
- 3Purcell: "In the black, dismal dungeon of despair", Z.190 209円
- 4Purcell: "Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes", Z.136 209円
- 5Purcell: Voluntary in G, Z720 209円
- 6Purcell: "In guilty night" (Saul and the Witch of Endor), Z.134 209円
- 7Purcell: Voluntary in C, Z717 209円
- 8Purcell: "Plung'd in the confines of despair", Z.142 209円
- 9Purcell: "Awake, ye dead", Z.182 209円
- 10Purcell: "The earth trembled", Z.197 209円
- 11Purcell: "My op'ning eyes are purg'd", Z.D72 209円
- 12Purcell: "With sick and famish'd eyes", Z.200 209円
- 13Purcell, Croft: Ground in C, Z.D221 209円
- 14Purcell: O, I'm sick of life, Z140 209円
- 15Purcell: "Close thine eyes", Z.184 209円
- 16Purcell: Funeral Sentences for the death of Queen Mary II (1695): Man..., Z27 - In the midst, Z17B - Thou knowest, Z58B 209円