- ジャンル
- 1The Liberation of Gracemeria ‐ Dance With The Moonlight Remix (from ACE COMBAT 6) 255円
- 2Blockade Remix (from ACE COMBAT 04) 255円
- 3Sol Squadron -Expt. Remix- (from ACE COMBAT 7) 255円
- 4First Flight (Arranged ACECOMBAT04 Blockade) - "We'll definitely stand up again” remix- (from ACE COMBAT 5) 255円
- 5Night And Day "Beyond the horizons" remix (from ACE COMBAT) 255円
- 6The Crew -Inspired by the “XEVIOUS" remix- (from ACE COMBAT 3) 255円
- 7ZERO -"Dedicated to Mr. C” remix- (from ACE COMBAT ZERO) 255円
- 8Warning Line -Concert remix- (from ACE COMBAT 2) 255円
- 9Farbanti -Drunk Remix- (from ACE COMBAT 04) 255円
- 10Naval Warfare Remix (from ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON) 255円
- 11The Dead Sea -Unknown Sea Remix- (from ACE COMBAT 6) 255円