- ジャンル
Rounder Records
- 1Come Back to Me in My Dreams 261円
- 2Medals for Mothers 261円
- 3Good to be back at The Mac... 261円
- 4When My Time Comes to Go 261円
- 5Back home we have a little music barn... 261円
- 6Drifting Too Far from the Shore 261円
- 7Y'all wanna hear a little fiddle playing? 261円
- 8Lost John 261円
- 9Please Search Your Heart 261円
- 10Dim Lights, Thick Smoke 261円
- 11The Old, Old House 261円
- 12One of the greatest mandolin players in the whole world right here... 261円
- 13East Tennessee Blues 261円
- 14You Can Take Your Nine Pound Hammer 261円
- 15I'll introduce you to the guitar player right now... 261円
- 16A Little Unfair 261円
- 17I Hung My Head and Cried 261円
- 18I'll Stay Around 261円
- 19Why Did You Wander? 261円