- ジャンル
- 1Before the Concert (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 2The Beginning (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 3Still life goes on (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 4Pure blue starting~Starting days (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 5Starting to the future (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 6Taste the satisfaction (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 7Brilliant swim (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 8Departure for the future (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 9Join us! (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 10Eternal blue (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 11Rhythm of new sensation (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 12Relate to you (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 13Into the new world (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 14Take a little break (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 15All of their wishes (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 16Fork in the road (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 17Don't matter anymore (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 18We could be free (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 19Show me what you got (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 20Like a magnet (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 21Just keep going (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 22Drag racer (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 23Promised myself (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 24Before anyone else (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 25Take over zone (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 26The final stroke (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 27Never Ending Road (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 28Encore (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 29SPLASH FREE (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 30Never seen landscapes (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
- 31This Fading Blue (Free! THE BAND LIVE -Ever Blue- in Yokohama) [Live] 261円
1980年7月28日生まれ、千葉県出身の作・編曲家。主にアニメの劇伴作曲家として知られる。幼少よりエレクトーンを弾き始め、中学時代は打ち込みで作曲を開始。その後、DTMでヴォーカル曲を作るようになる。東京音楽大学に進学し、作編曲を三枝成彰、服部克久、小六禮次郎、羽田健太郎に師事。次第に劇伴作曲家を目指すようになる。代表作は『ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!』『境界線上のホライゾン』『Free!』『食戟のソーマ』『最遊記-RELOAD BLAST-』『アイドリッシュセブン』など多数。