- 1She Hates Me 205円
- 2Fell in Love with a Girl 205円
- 3Baby Got Back 205円
- 4Down with the Sickness 205円
- 5Hate to Say I Told You So 205円
- 6Insane in the Brain 205円
- 7Relax 205円
- 8Shake Ya Ass 205円
- 9Hot for Teacher 205円
- 10One Step Closer 205円
- 11Live in the Lounge 205円
- 12Smoke Two Joints 205円
- 13Chop Suey 205円
- 14Loser 205円
- 15More Human Than Human 205円
- 16Used to Love Her 205円
- 17(You Drive Me) Crazy 205円
- 18Buddy Holly 205円