- ジャンル
- 1Circle of Life [V1d M 2021] 205円
- 2Black Dress [Rod Berry Remix V1c] 205円
- 3Shadow [Rebuild 2021 by Lars from Tascam 238 Record in 1994] 205円
- 4Nameless [Demo 1998] 205円
- 5Pleasure of Consumption [Demo 1992] 205円
- 6Daydream [Demo 1992] 205円
- 7Bodysign [Early Version 1993] 205円
- 8Alone [Demo 1992] 205円
- 9Breeding [Demo 1993] 205円
- 10Firegame [Demo 1993] 205円
- 11Further Times [Demo 1992] 205円
- 12Mistake [Demo 1992] 205円