- ジャンル
- 1Intro / What Is Your Stone? 255円
- 2Here I Am, Lord 255円
- 3We're Just Sheep 255円
- 4Jesse and His Sons 255円
- 5The Anointing / A Yarn / King Saul's Court 255円
- 6Jehovah Elohim 255円
- 7Hangin' with the Ladies 255円
- 8Here I Am Lord (Reprise) 255円
- 9Goliath!! Goliath!! 255円
- 10Give Me Your Best Man (Part One) 255円
- 11When I Was Just a Seed / The Battle 255円
- 12Give Me Your Best Man (Part Two) 255円
- 13What Is Your Stone? 255円