- ジャンル
- 1Six Blocks Away 255円
- 2Prove My Love 255円
- 3Something About What Happens When We Talk 255円
- 4Memphis Pearl 255円
- 5Sidewalks of the City 255円
- 6Sweet Old World 255円
- 7Little Angel, Little Brother 255円
- 8Pineola 255円
- 9Lines Around Your Eyes 255円
- 10Drivin' Down a Dead End Street 255円
- 11Hot Blood 255円
- 12Which Will 255円
- 13Factory Blues (Bonus Track) 255円
- 14What You Don't Know (Bonus Track) 255円
- 15Wild and Blue (Bonus Track) 255円
- 16Dark Side of Life (Bonus Track) 255円