- ジャンル
- 1Really? A Comedy Album? 255円
- 2What Is This 2005? 255円
- 3What Do You Think You're Gonna "Make It"? 255円
- 4Great Track, Alienate Your Loved Ones. 255円
- 5Not Like You'll Need Them When This Bombs. 255円
- 6You'll Never Work in Nebraska Again. 255円
- 7Oh Perfect, an Airplane Joke. 255円
- 8Strippers and Murder? So Relatable. 255円
- 9Now You're Talking About Depression. 255円
- 10Yea Why Not Throw Drugs in There? 255円
- 11Does This Get Good Soon? 255円
- 12Nope. 255円
- 13Who Even Asked for This Album? 255円
- 14Hold on, You Recorded This on Your Phone? 255円
- 15So You Sank Your Own Money into This Shipwreck? 255円
- 16Oh My God I Can't Breath. 255円
- 17That's Funnier Than Anything on Here. 255円
- 18You Put Yourself in Debt to Find out You Suck. 255円
- 19This is an Onslaught of Average. 255円
- 20Also, Don't You Think This Bit Is Getting Old? 255円
- 21Just Quit. 255円