- 1Say I Am (What I Am) 205円
- 2Lies 205円
- 3Thunder & Lightnin' 205円
- 4Codine 205円
- 5Louie Go Home 205円
- 6Come to Me 205円
- 7(I Don't Want) Your Kind of Love 205円
- 8Never You Mind 205円
- 9Somebody Stole My Watermelon 205円
- 10You're so Good to Me 205円
- 11Tough Times 205円
- 12Dancing by Myself 205円
- 13Hungry Hungry Hungry 205円
- 14Will You Love Me Tomorrow 205円
- 15Medley: Summertime Blues/Land of 1,000 Dances/Shotgun 205円
- 16What Do You Do 205円
- 17Lonesome Tears 205円
- 18Kansas City 205円
- 19Appreciate a Girl 205円
- 20Here It Comes Again 205円
- 21Bottle of Wine 205円
- 22One Fine Day 205円
- 23Baby, What's Wrong? 205円
- 24Atlanta Georgia Stray 205円