- ジャンル
- 1A Scottish Soldier 205円
- 2Come in, Come In 205円
- 3By the Lochside 205円
- 4Nae Sae Bad 205円
- 5Kissin' in the Dark 205円
- 6The Bonnie Lassie O' Dundee 205円
- 7O Come with Me 205円
- 8The Battle's O'er 205円
- 9That's the Reason Noo I Wear the Kilt 205円
- 10My Homeland 205円
- 11Mcginty's Meal & Ale 205円
- 12The Heart of Midlothian 205円
- 13Oh Kate! 205円
- 14Haste Ye Back 205円