- 1Ring-a-Ding-a-Ling 205円
- 2Rock'n'roll Ruby 205円
- 3You Can Do No Wrong 205円
- 4I Got a Hole in My Pocket 205円
- 5Put Your Cat Clothes On 205円
- 6Rockabilly Dad 205円
- 7Shot in the Dark 205円
- 8Rumble in the Jungle 205円
- 9Son of Rockabilly 205円
- 10Shivers Down My Spine 205円
- 11Living the Dream 205円
- 12In for a Penny - in for a Pound 205円
- 13Birthday Girl 205円
- 14Hey Mr. D.J 205円
- 15Party Party 205円
- 16Shotgun Boogie 205円
- 17Gift of the Gab 205円
- 18Bop-a-Lena 205円