- 1Monday Monday 205円
- 2Sunday Will Never Bethe Same 205円
- 3Safe in My Garden 205円
- 4Creeque Alley 205円
- 5Words of Love 205円
- 6Step Out 205円
- 7People Like Us 205円
- 8Twelvethirty 205円
- 9Dedicated to the One I Love 205円
- 10For the Love of Ivy 205円
- 11Love Song 205円
- 12Go Where You Wanna Go 205円
- 13Hey Girl 205円
- 14Come Away Melinda 205円
- 15California Dreamin' 205円
- 16Make Your Own Kind of Music 205円
- 17Mississippi 205円
- 18I Saw Her Again 205円
- 19San Francisco 205円
- 20Move in a Little Closer Baby 205円
- 21Wild Woman 205円
- 22My Girl 205円
- 23Straight Shooter 205円
- 24I Call Your Name 205円
- 25The Year 2000 205円
- 26Young Girls Lament 205円
- 27Dancing in the Street 205円