- 1Get Out and Get Under the Moon 205円
- 2Evening Star 205円
- 3Last Night I Dreamed You Kissed Me 205円
- 4Chiquita 205円
- 5'Tain't So, Honey, 'Tain't So 205円
- 6In the Evening 205円
- 7I'd Rather Cry Over You 205円
- 8I'm On the Crest of a Wave 205円
- 9Felix the Cat 205円
- 10Georgie Porgie 205円
- 11Out o' Town Gal 205円
- 12Lonesome in the Moonlight 205円
- 13How About Me? 205円
- 14Just a Sweetheart 205円
- 15Lover Come Back to Me 205円
- 16Marianne 205円
- 17Blue Hawaii 205円
- 18Louise 205円
- 19I'm in the Seventh Heaven 205円
- 20Reaching for Someone (And Not Finding Anyone There) 205円
- 21When My Dreams Come True 205円
- 22Laughing Marionette 205円
- 23S'posin' 205円
- 24At Twilight 205円
- 25Without a Song 205円