- ジャンル
- 1Angel Eyes 205円
- 2There'll Be Some Changes Made 205円
- 3Breezin' Along With The Breeze 205円
- 4My Lucky Day 205円
- 5'Deed I Do 205円
- 6Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring 205円
- 7It's D'lovely 205円
- 8September In The Rain 205円
- 9I'm In Love With The Honorable Mr. So And So 205円
- 10Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams 205円
- 11Does Anybody Here Love Me? 205円
- 12The Boy Next Door 205円
- 13Breathless 205円
- 14Holiday For Strings 205円
- 15Bluesette 205円
- 16Cry Me A River 205円
- 17While We're Young 205円
- 18Some Of These Days 205円