- ジャンル
- 1Why Not 255円
- 2Easy Money 255円
- 3Jumpin' At The Woodside 255円
- 4Segue In C 255円
- 5A Little Tempo, Please 255円
- 6There Will Never Be Another You 255円
- 7Young And Foolish 255円
- 8Allright, Okay, You Win 255円
- 9Easin' It 255円
- 10April In Paris 255円
- 11Cute 255円
- 12You are Too Beautiful 255円
- 13The Song Is You 255円
- 14Li'l Darling 255円
- 15I Needs To Be Bee'd With 255円
- 16I Got Rhythm 255円
- 17Backwater Blues 255円
- 18Alexander's Ragtrime Band 255円
- 19Ol' Man River 255円