- 1Joy 205円
- 2Version 205円
- 3Watching Dub 205円
- 4Dem a Say Rasta 205円
- 5Dem a Say Rasta Dub 205円
- 6Burning Horns 205円
- 7Once Upon a Time 205円
- 8Once Upon a Dub 205円
- 9Fancy Make Up 205円
- 10Fancy Make up Dub 205円
- 11Sukumaka 205円
- 12Sukumaka Version 205円
- 13Dance in a Greenwhich Farm 205円
- 14A Dancing Roots Version 205円
- 15Keep on Moving 205円
- 16Keep on Moving [Dub Version] 205円
- 17Rivers of Babylon 205円
- 18Rivers of Dub 205円