- 1Rock-a-Bop 205円
- 2Flower of My Heart 205円
- 3Killer 205円
- 4She's Neat 205円
- 5Take Hold of My Hand 205円
- 6Makin' Love with My Baby 205円
- 7My Girl 205円
- 8Absolutely Nothin' 205円
- 9Try It No More 205円
- 10That's Show Biz 205円
- 11That's Why I'm Asking 205円
- 12Dance, Dance, Dance 205円
- 13You're the Answer 205円
- 14Dis a Itty Bit! 205円
- 15Buddies with the Blues 205円
- 16Hand Me Down My Rockin' Shoes 205円
- 17Teardrops from My Eyes 205円
- 18Jungle Bandstand 205円
- 19Rubber Dolly 205円
- 20The All American Boy 205円