- 1Todays World 209円
- 2Violent Crime 209円
- 3Complete Disorder 209円
- 4Insane Youth 209円
- 5You've Got To Be Someone 209円
- 6More Than Fights 209円
- 7Daily Life 209円
- 8Stagnation 209円
- 9Life 209円
- 10Out Of Order 209円
- 11Condemned 209円
- 12Media 209円
- 13Suicide Children 209円
- 14Preachers 209円
- 15Remembranse Day 209円
- 16Bullshit Everyone 209円
- 17Rampton Song 209円
- 18Provocated Wars 209円
- 193 Blind Mice 209円
- 20Buy I Gurt Pint 209円