- ジャンル
- 1Retche Mama Da Me Jeni (Mother Has Decided To Marry Me Off) 261円
- 2Polegnala E Todora (Theodora Is Dozing) 261円
- 3Shopski Tanz (Chope Dance) 261円
- 4Ogreyala Mesetchinka (The Moon Shines) 261円
- 5Trio Gaidi (Trio Of Bagpipes) 261円
- 6Otishla Moma Hubava (A Young Girl At Parting) 261円
- 7Nyagul Na Milka Dumashe (Niagol Talks To Milka) 261円
- 8Prehfrakna Ptichka (The Bird Has Come) 261円
- 9Zaspala E Fida (Fida Is Sleepy) 261円
- 10Bre Petrounko (Well Now, Petrounko) 261円
- 11Vetcheryai Rado (Come To Supper Tonight, Rada) 261円
- 12Bulgarska Suita (Bulgarian Suite) 261円
- 13Buren, Buren, Zelen Buren (Rank Weeds) 261円
- 14Stoyan Ide Ot Tsarigrad (Stoyan Comes Back To Constantinople) 261円
- 15Tamburi Drankat (The Drums Roll) 261円
- 16Prez Gora Varvyaha (They Are Going Across The Forest) 261円
- 17Todora, Vetcheryala (Theodora, Have You Had Supper?) 261円
- 18Zamraknala E Yana (Iana Has Been Surprised In The Night) 261円