- ジャンル
- 1The Hookers (If You Miss 'Im...I Got 'Im) (feat.Earl Hooker) 261円
- 2Baby, I Love You (feat.Earl Hooker) 261円
- 3Lonesome Mood (feat.Earl Hooker) 261円
- 4Bang Bang Bang Bang (feat.Earl Hooker) 261円
- 5If You Take Care Of Me, I'll Take Care Of You (feat.Earl Hooker) 261円
- 6Baby Be Strong (feat.Earl Hooker) 261円
- 7I Wanna Be Your Puppy Baby (feat.Earl Hooker) 261円
- 8I Don't Care When You Go (feat.Earl Hooker) 261円
- 9Have Mercy On My Soul! (feat.Earl Hooker) 261円