- ジャンル
Walt Disney Records
- 1メイン・タイトル(ネモ艦長のテーマ) 261円
- 2Street Fight 261円
- 3Aboard the Abraham Lincoln/Hunting the Monster 261円
- 4A Whale of a Tale 261円
- 5The Monster Attacks 261円
- 6Deserted Sub/Burial/Captured 261円
- 7Fifty Fathoms/The Island of Crespo 261円
- 8Storm at Sea/Nemo Plays 261円
- 9Strange Man of the Seas 261円
- 10Nemo's Torment 261円
- 11Justified Hate 261円
- 12Searching Nemo's Cabin 261円
- 13Ned's Bottles 261円
- 14Ashore at New Guinea 261円
- 15Native Drums/Back to the Nautilus 261円
- 16Submerge 261円
- 17The Giant Squid 261円
- 18Ambush at Vulcania 261円
- 19Nemo Wounded 261円
- 20Escape from Vulcania 261円
- 21Finale/Deep Is the Mighty Ocean 261円
- 22A Whale of a Tale [Single] 261円
- 23And the Moon Grew Brighter and Brighter [Single B Side] 261円
- 24A Whale of a Tale 261円
- 25A Whale of a Tale 261円
- 26A Whale of a Tale [Reprise] 261円