- ジャンル
- 101 sine wave (1kHz, fullscale) _ (for volume adjustment to maximum input) _use a dedicated amp for noise playback 255円
- 202 -18dB noise_for vol adjust_for HP with a maximum input of 1000mw or more, and use a dedicated amp for noise playback 255円
- 303 -15dB noise_for vol adjust_for HP with a maximum input of 500-999mw, and use a dedicated amp for noise playback 255円
- 404 -12dB noise_for vol adjust_for HP with a maximum input of 50-499mw, or when not using a dedicated amp for noise playback 255円
- 505 beating pulse noise (1779-2) _ (Play this for 192-384 hours.) 255円
- 606 fast sweeping noise (2151) _ (Play this for 26.5-75.8 hours or more after playing the beating pulse noise (1779-2) .) 255円
- 707 finishing noise (2353s) _ (Play this for 65.5-288.4 hours or more after playing the fast sweeping noise (2151) .) 255円
- 808 finishing noise x0.708 (2481) _ (Play this for 65.5-288.4 hours or more after playing the noise (2353s) .) 255円
- 909 finishing noise x0.501 (2482) _ (Play this for 65.5-288.4 hours or more after playing the noise (2481) .) 255円
- 1010 finishing noise x0.354 (2483) _ (Play this for 65.5-288.4 hours or more after playing the noise (2482) .) 255円