- 1Divas and Dunes 209円
- 2Welcome To Abu Dhabi 209円
- 3I'm Downstairs 209円
- 4Meeting Erin 209円
- 5Arrive At Souk 209円
- 6Carrie Wonders / Airport Arrival 209円
- 7Samantha Talks To Smith / Carrie's Arrival 209円
- 8Call The Girls / It Happened One Night 209円
- 9Meeting Erin / Miranda / Arrival At Connecticut 209円
- 10Airport 209円
- 11Confiscate Drugs 209円
- 12Carrie Sees Aidan 209円
- 13Breakfast / Jeep Guy 209円
- 14Breakfast, Pt. 2 209円
- 15Dress For Date 209円
- 16I Have Condoms 209円
- 17Hookah Lounge 209円
- 18Phone Call 209円
- 19Samantha Released 209円
- 20Packing 209円
- 21Watch 209円
- 22Fashion 209円
- 23Sneaking Burkas 209円
- 24Home Without Big 209円
- 25Big Is Back 209円