- 1Relaxin' at the Touro 261円
- 2Mandy, Make Up Your Mind 261円
- 3Bluin' the Blues 261円
- 4That Da Da Strain 261円
- 5I Wish That I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate 261円
- 6At Sundown 261円
- 7Lonesome Road 261円
- 8Eccentric 261円
- 9At the Jazz Band Ball 261円
- 10Dinah 261円
- 11Big Butter and Egg Man 261円
- 12Livery Stable Blues 261円
- 13Black and Blue 261円
- 14Riverboat Shuffle 261円
- 15Someday Sweetheart 261円
- 16Dipper Mouth Blues 261円