- 1Rock 'n' Roll Savage 261円
- 2Between the Eyes 261円
- 3Suicide Taxi 261円
- 4Party Animal 261円
- 5The Unknown 261円
- 6Miss Teenage USA 261円
- 7Huntington 261円
- 8All the Kings Horses 261円
- 9Jukebox 261円
- 10SK8 Tough 261円
- 11Death Row 261円
- 12The Bullshiter 261円
- 13Dirt Boy 261円
- 14All Change for Hollywood 261円
- 15Blinding Stories 261円
- 16The Gun Says 261円
- 17Stranglehold (Live "in Action") 261円
- 18New Barbarians (Live 'in Action") 261円
- 19Tomorrows Girls (Live "in Action") 261円
- 20Between the Eyes (Live "in Action") 261円