Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition & Liszt: "Dante" Sonata & Wagner-Liszt: Isolde's Liebestod
Barry Douglas 1,833円
- ジャンル
RCA Red Seal
- 1Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade [I] 261円
- 2Pictures at an Exhibition: 1. The Gnome 261円
- 3Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade [II] 261円
- 4Pictures at an Exhibition: 2. The Old Castle 261円
- 5Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade [III] 261円
- 6Pictures at an Exhibition: 3. Tuileries (Children Quarreling at Play) 261円
- 7Pictures at an Exhibition: 4. Bydlo 261円
- 8Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade [IV]. Tranquillo 261円
- 9Pictures at an Exhibition: 5. Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks 261円
- 10Pictures at an Exhibition: 6. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle 261円
- 11Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade [V] 261円
- 12Pictures at an Exhibition: 7. Limoges - The Market 261円
- 13Pictures at an Exhibition: 8. Catacombs (Sepulchrum romanum) 261円
- 14Pictures at an Exhibition: Con mortuis in lingua mortua 261円
- 15Pictures at an Exhibition: 9. The Hut on Hen's Legs (Baba Yaga) 261円
- 16Pictures at an Exhibition: 10. The Great Gate at Kiev 261円
- 17Années de pèlerinage II, S.161:: Années de pèlerinage II, S.161: 7. Après une lecture du Dante. Fantasia quasi Sonata アルバム購入専用楽曲です
- 18Tristan und Isolde, WWV 90: Liebestod 261円