- ジャンル
- 1Tate-jima (縦縞, vertical stripes) 209円
- 2Tate-waku (竪沸く, rising steam) 209円
- 3Hishi-igeta (菱井桁, parallel diamonds or crossed cords) 209円
- 4Shippō (七宝, seven treasures of the Buddha) 209円
- 5Toridasuki (鳥襷, interlaced circles of two birds) 209円
- 6Fundō (分銅, counterweights) 209円
- 7Koshi (格子, checks) 209円
- 8Amime (網目, fishing nets) 209円
- 9Uroko (鱗, fish scales) 209円
- 10Hishi-moyō (菱模様, diamonds) 209円
- 11Kagome (籠目, woven bamboo) 209円
- 12Nakamura kōshi (中村格子, plaid design of the Nakamura family) 209円
- 13Yarai (矢来, bamboo fence) 209円
- 14Yoko-jima (横縞, horizontal stripes) 209円