- ジャンル
Masterworks Broadway
- 1Price and Son Theme / The Most Beautiful Thing in the World 261円
- 2Take What You Got 261円
- 3Land of Lola 261円
- 4Charlie's Soliloquy (One) 261円
- 5Step One 261円
- 6Sex Is In The Heel 261円
- 7The History of Wrong Guys 261円
- 8Not My Father's Son 261円
- 9Charlie's Soliloquy (Two) 261円
- 10Everybody Say Yeah 261円
- 11What a Woman Wants 261円
- 12In This Corner 261円
- 13Charlie's Soliloquy (Three) 261円
- 14Soul of a Man 261円
- 15Hold Me in Your Heart 261円
- 16Raise You Up / Just Be 261円