- ジャンル
- 1Silver Moon 261円
- 2I Fall to Pieces 261円
- 3Thanx for the Ride 261円
- 4Dedicated Friend 261円
- 5Conversations 261円
- 6Tengo Amore 261円
- 7Listen to the Band 261円
- 8Bye, Bye, Bye 261円
- 9Lady of the Valley 261円
- 10Hello Lady 261円
- 11Different Drum (Alternate Version) 261円
- 121st National Dance (Instrumental) 261円
- 13American Airman 261円
- 14Bye, Bye, Bye (Alternate Version) 261円
- 15Dedicated Friend (Alternate Version) 261円
- 16Tengo Amore (Alternate Instrumental) 261円
- 17Loose Salute (Radio Spots) 261円