- ジャンル
- 1Tennessee River (Live March 20, 1981; Salt Lake City, UT) 261円
- 2Why Lady Why (Live February 5, 1982; Florence, AL) 261円
- 3Mountain Music (Live February 5, 1982; Florence, AL) 261円
- 4Close Enough To Perfect (Live February 5, 1982; Florence, AL) 261円
- 5Take Me Down (Live February 5, 1982; Florence, AL) 261円
- 6Feels So Right (Live February 5, 1982; Florence, AL) 261円
- 7My Home's In Alabama (Live February 5, 1982; Florence, AL) 261円
- 8Lady Down On Love (Live) 261円
- 9Love In The First Degree 261円
- 10When We Make Love/There's No Way (Live) 261円
- 11She And I 261円
- 12Roll On (Eighteen Wheeler) (Recorded Live) 261円