
Synopsis“Todai is a piece of cake.”By producing Todai entrance exam passing students, Kenji Sakuragi had succeeded in rebuilding the “idiot school” Ryuzan High.With the major education reformation approaching in 2020, Sakuragi once again returns to Ryuzan which has fallen back down to its low. At his side is his former pupil Naomi Mizuno.With “Empress” Kumiko Tatsuno reigning supreme over Ryuzan and the completely unmotivated student body before him, Sakuragi roars.“Todai is THE place! Get into Todai!”


  • DragonZakura2 (1)
    DragonZakura2 (1)
    Synopsis“Todai is a piece of cake.”By producing Todai entrance exam passing students, Kenji Sakuragi had succeeded in rebuilding the “idiot school” Ryuzan High.With the major education reformation approaching in 2020, Sakuragi once again returns to Ryuzan which has fallen back down to its low. At his side is his former pupil Naomi Mizuno.With “Empress” Kumiko Tatsuno reigning supreme over Ryuzan and the completely unmotivated student body before him, Sakuragi roars.“Todai is THE place! Get into Todai!”
  • DragonZakura2 (2)
    DragonZakura2 (2)
    SynopsisKenji Sakuragi has returned and created the “Specialized University of Tokyo Class.”Nao Hayase and Koichiro Amano have joined to begin studying for the exams.To start, the two have taken on past Center Test questions.The purpose was to analyze their current academic levels and take measures accordingly, but with the students’ unexpected actions teacher Naomi Mizuno is completely baffled.On the other hand, confrontation between the “Old” vs. “New” School Building groups has escalated since Sakuragi’s arrival.In the midst of this unsettling mood enveloping the school, laughter suddenly boomed through the “Specialized University of Tokyo Class.”“Laugh when you’ve failed!”With the arrival of the “University of Tokyo Test Matrix” as a trump card, this story blazes into action!
  • DragonZakura2 (3)
    DragonZakura2 (3)
    SynopsisWith supplemental study materials and exam matrices, the “U of T Course” has introduced many new era exam prep skills.Sakuragi’s original English study method of daily tweets and video uploads on YouTube turned out to be “too much” for the students.On the other hand, the “Entrance Exam Problem Solving Course” that has promised to bring down the “U of T Course” has also had its share of tear-inducing drama, resulting in a new and powerful student-teacher duo…
  • DragonZakura2 (4)
    DragonZakura2 (4)
    “Hello Everybody!”A new English teacher has came to The University of Tokyo Class. Her name is Akemi Nabe, who can copy Beyonce perfectly.She says Listening section is the most important to attack The The Tokyo University entrance exam.Her first class was eccentric and highly entertaining; Dancing, singing, copying and lip syncing!She teaches the key strategy for listening section, “Murmur Speech Shadowing”.This volume tells all about how to study English!
  • DragonZakura2 (5)
    DragonZakura2 (5)
    Some conditions in the U of T English listening test will give you an advantage !?Anticipation by using TED-Ed, The ten conditions that parents of U of T should follow, and they talk about reading comprehension, which is it’s studying method is not known, but it’s essential to boost up the scores of all subjects.This volume is also full of must-pass information! The charismatic Japanese professor, Mr. Osamu Hayashi will appear in his role!
  • DragonZakura2 (6)
    DragonZakura2 (6)
    “I’m sorry I was born”.A new Japanese language teacher, Osamu Dazaifu appeared with a familiar phrase.Dazaifu sensei emphasizes “reading ability”.We will thoroughly teach “reading ability” to improve the performance of all subjects .A charismatic Japanese language teacher, Osamu Hayashi, who appears in his own role. A language-intensive volume!
  • DragonZakura2 (7)
    DragonZakura2 (7)
    It is said that there are some brains persevere and others don’t. Nao Hayase has been found that her brain cannot persevere by an experiment. It was too severe a statement while studying hard for the U of T, but there was a way to trick such a brain and make it persevere. Hayase, who has received the “good news”, will challenge a holiday study camp together with Koichiro Amano, who is also aiming for the U of T. Naomi Mizuno, the homeroom teacher, declared at the training camp, “Become a study camp demon and train them thoroughly!” Finally, the “Hell Camp” has begun.
  • DragonZakura2 (8)
    DragonZakura2 (8)
    They are in the middle of holiday study camp! Amano and Hayase go back to second grade level to improve their math abilities to get trough the U of T entrance exam.Amano upsets because he felt they are being made fun of, but he finally understands the reason that arithmetic and math are necessary for U of T test and also, for surviving in their life.Then, a legendary mathematics teacher, Tetsunosuke Yanagi, who was very popular in the previous series, appears. He starts training them with the same old his Spartan way of teaching....



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