
“Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity.


  • Neko Pitcher 1
    Neko Pitcher 1
    “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity.
  • Neko Pitcher 2
    Neko Pitcher 2
    “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity.
  • Neko Pitcher 3
    Neko Pitcher 3
    “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity.
  • Neko Pitcher 4
    Neko Pitcher 4
    “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity.
  • Neko Pitcher 5
    Neko Pitcher 5
    “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity.
  • Neko Pitcher 6
    Neko Pitcher 6
    “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity.
  • Neko Pitcher 7
    Neko Pitcher 7
    “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity.
  • Neko Pitcher 8
    Neko Pitcher 8
    “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity.
  • Neko Pitcher 9
    Neko Pitcher 9
    “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity.
  • Neko Pitcher 10
    Neko Pitcher 10
    “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity.



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