GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I Workbook [Third Edition] 初級日本語 げんき I ワークブック[第3版]
坂野永理/池田庸子/大野 裕/品川 恭子/渡嘉敷恭子
GENKI series that has sold more than 2 million copies worldwide is now even better than before!
This workbook is used in conjunction with study of each lesson in GENKI 1 [Third edition].
The Dialogue and Grammar section of the workbook provides worksheets for all grammar items studied in the textbook. To enable comprehensive practice, the workbook also includes a Listening Comprehension worksheet and a Questions worksheet for each lesson; both sheets present review exercises that require learners to apply multiple grammar points from the lesson. The Reading and Writing section includes kanji worksheets, fill-in-the-blank kanji exercises, English-to-Japanese translation exercises, vocabulary practices, and so forth.
ワークブックの「会話・文法編」には、テキストで学習する各文法項目ごとにワークシートがあります。さらに総合的な練習として、各課に1枚ずつ「聞く練習」と「答えましょう」のワークシートが用意されています。どちらもその課の複数の学習項目を使って答えるまとめの練習です。また「読み書き編」には、漢字の練習シートと、漢字の穴埋め問題、英文和訳、単語の練習などが収録されています。 1,870円