Hopeful care in a rapidly aging society



The ideology that will transcend even death.

A doctor running an aged day care since the long-term care insurance system was first implemented in Japan explains life and death based on existential philosophy-like beliefs and the hope that can be found therein.

This book will help you find your true self and live free from loneliness.
With real life stories composed at the day care.

〈Contents (chapters)〉

About me
Chapter 1 Flow of Thought
Chapter 2 The Nice Day Journey
Establishment of the long-term care insurance system
Historical changes in the plight of those requiring care
The beginning of Nice Day
The first attendees
Issues between staff
From individual therapy to group therapy
Signs of change at Nice Day with reverse thinking
Analysis of the reverse thinking effect
Therapeutic community
The criteria for TC
The TC approach
A comparison between Nice Day and TC
The TC-like community makes it Japan’s “mahoroba”
Another look at Nice Day
Memorial services and Heidegger’s philosophy
Differences between TC and fundamental co-existence (community of salvation)
Realization that life is finite
Relationships at Nice Day
The Nice Day scene
Life stories
Chapter 3 Life Stories at Nice Day
Akio Akamatsu
Tatsuko Shinoda
Tomiko Hasegawa
Yukihiro Hamada
Chiharu Hayakawa
Masayuki Higuchi
Ms. S. H.
Hajime Fujita
Ms. T. M.
Mr. Y. W.
Chimao Motojima
Life story effect survey results March 2021
Some remarks about the survey

Reverse thinking and nursing care with love
Fundamental issues of scientific humanity
Conditions for keeping older people at home
Conditions for the emergence of a community of salvation
Getting closer to the ideal community
Step one: I recommend nursing care with love by reverse thinking
Step two: “Demonstration” of the respect for the aged concept


〈Author’s bio〉
Yoshihiro Ito
Dr. Ito was born in Kyoto City. In 1961, he entered the faculty of engineering at Kyoto University before transferring to the university’s medical faculty in 1963 and graduating in 1967. That same year he enrolled in a doctoral course in physiology at Kyoto University. In 1971, he withdrew from the course and was appointed director of radiology at a general hospital in Kyoto City, a position he retired from ten years later. In 1981, he opened Ito Clinic then an adjoining large-scale day care for 60 attendees in 2001. Find Dr. Ito on Facebook.
He is also the author of “Jiritsu Kunrenho no Igaku” [The Medicine of Autogenic Training] (published by Chuko Shinsho).