国家再生塾 The rebirth thinking school of a nation



(1) 津波や水災害と高層ビルの長周期地震動対策(海岸部・山間地・都市部)
  Measures against long-periodo ground motion of high-rise buildings due to Tunami and flood damage.(Near sea, Villages of mountainous area, City area)

(2) 教育のシステムを根底から変えて、コスト削減、効率化、教育レベルを上げる
  By doing change the education basic system, cost reduction increase efficiency education level up.

(3) 人口減少、医療費、政府の無駄使いについて
  Cause of population decline, Medical bills, Useless of government expenses.

(4) 株式市場の改革
  Stock market reform.