AssociationfortheReviewofJapan-KoreaRelationship/representative/Masaru TOKUDA 1件
AssociationfortheReviewofJapan-KoreaRelationship/representative/Masaru TOKUDA
The case of wartime laborers, compensation for comfort women, dispute over theLiancourt Rocks (Takeshima / Dokdo)... the anti-Japanese activities in Korea seems tobecome more and more violent for the last few years.For the better understanding of Korea, here we would like to review Korean history andcandidly show the points about which we regularly have questions. We would ask people inthe world to judge whether this belief is correct.
<about the author>
In 1938, Masaru TOKUDA was born in Japan, as the second son of a fallen soldier.
After graduating from a technical school, engaged in research & development,
manufacturing and sales of industrial machinery equipment. Also, engaged in corporatemanagement for a Japanese private enterprise.
Through the business, interacted with people from India, four Southeast Asian countries,
twenty-six provinces/cities of China, Taiwan, South Korea, three European countries andthe United States.
After retirement, lived his life at the fullest. But concerned about intense of anti-Japanesemovement in South Korea. Established the “Association for the Review of Japan-KoreaRelationship”, and now works in research about the relationship of two countries. 1,650円
AssociationfortheReviewofJapan-KoreaRelationship/representative/Masaru TOKUDA